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In a job interview, one of the most common and often dreaded questions is: “Tell me about yourself.” This seemingly simple question can cause a lot of anxiety because it’s so open-ended. You might find yourself wondering, “What exactly do they want to know? Should I talk about my previous job experiences, my hobbies, how I got started in this career, or something else entirely?”

The reason this question can be nerve-wracking is that there isn’t one clear answer. However, understanding why interviewers ask this question can help you craft a strong response. Interviewers use this question for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to set the tone of the interview, making it feel more like a conversation and less like an interrogation. Secondly, it allows them to gauge how you communicate, particularly how you handle open-ended questions that require you to think on your feet. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it gives them a glimpse into the person behind the resume and what drives you.

Answering this question effectively is crucial, as it’s often the first impression you’ll make in the interview. Here are some tips to help you craft a strong response:

  1. Understand the underlying intent: The interviewer isn’t just asking for a biography. They want to know why you are the right fit for the role and the company. Your answer should highlight your relevant experiences and skills that align with the job you’re applying for.

  2. Keep your response concise: Aim to keep your answer under two minutes. Think of it as an elevator pitch—an opportunity to quickly and effectively convey why you’re a great candidate.

  3. Highlight what makes you unique: Consider what sets you apart from other applicants. Whether it’s a particular skill, experience, or perspective, make sure you convey what makes you an exceptional candidate for the role.

  4. Structure your response in three parts: One effective approach is to break your answer down into three sections: “What you have done in the past,” “What you are doing now,” and “What you want to do in the future.” This helps create a cohesive narrative that shows your growth and future aspirations.

  5. Maintain professionalism: While it’s important to show your personality, remember that this is still an interview. Avoid sharing overly personal details or going off on tangents. Keep your answer focused on your professional journey.

  6. Incorporate personal interests: If appropriate, briefly mention what you do outside of work—whether it’s cooking, playing sports, or pursuing a hobby. This can help you appear well-rounded and relatable, showing that you have interests beyond your professional life.

Since this is likely to be one of the first questions asked, don’t feel pressured to cover everything right away. There will be plenty of time during the interview to delve into more specifics about your experience and qualifications.

Interviewers may phrase this question in different ways, such as:

  • “I’d like to hear more about you.”
  • “Could you share a bit about your background?”
  • “Walk me through your resume.”
  • “Tell me more about your journey.”

Remember, interviews are not designed to be scary or to catch you off guard. The interviewer genuinely wants to get to know you and see if you would be a good fit for the team. Being prepared for this question is key to helping you feel more comfortable and confident during the interview process.

One effective way to prepare is to practice different versions of your response. While you don’t want to sound rehearsed, having key points in mind will help you stay on track and cover the essential aspects of your professional story. By practising, you can refine your answer, making it polished yet natural.

If you would like personalised career advice or To find out more about current opportunities and how we can support you in your journey, reach out to Paula, our Tech Recruitment Specialist, at, (617) 861 4588.